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Possible "Dumb and Dumber 3"
28 Nov 2024    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

We need to calm down! There isn't a sequel for "Dumb and Dumber To" in the works.

But recently, while being interviewed to promote their latest movie, The Farrelly Brothers who both, directed and wrote the movies were asked "if there were any movies from their catalog they'd be interested in revisiting", and they mentioned "Dumb & Dumber". "I still take notes whenever I hear something that I think would be a good Dumb and Dumber joke. I keep a list because I could easily see us doing another Dumb and Dumber someday. We did [Dumb and Dumber To] on the 20th anniversary, and right now we're at the 30th anniversary. So in 10 years… Those guys [Carrey and Daniels] are so much fun to work with. If we're all still kicking around, I'd love to do that. Any of those movies that we've done … Look, "There's Something About Mary". We love those characters so much that if we ever thought of a way to bring them back and retell a story using those characters again, we'd be up for it because we love the characters. If we weren't passionately in love with those characters, we wouldn't want to do a sequel."

Now, all we need is to convince Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey, because we can guarantee them that fans are completely in favor of making another one!

Jim Carrey

We at JCO I will keep you updated as more news come.

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