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Postby Guybrush Threepwood » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:43 pm

fluffy wrote:lol.........well i for one would love a day as an extra, however the only thing filmed in Aberdeen is the Beechgrove garden, so the only potential extra job would be as a life sized garden gnome........ :lol: :lol: :lol:

fluffy :lol:

"Life sized garden gnome" - good one! :lol:

I would love a day as an extra, too. I think everyone would love a day as an extra; it sounds really exciting. But I guess most of us would just want it for the sake of doing something different. Just like a vacation. A couple of days can be fun but more than that is too much. So we should trust the expert on these things. JT has the insight and if she says it's sad then I suppose that's what it is. One day would be fun though,... so you gotta see each new day anew JT, imagine it's the first one :wink:
Good luck with your modeling and acting career.

Now back to business: Where's the trailer dammit? Waiting sucks...
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Postby fluffy » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:55 pm

oooh yeah.........i don't think i'd like to do it everyday.......lol.....if they shouted at me i think i'd bite them!!!...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

fluffy :lol:
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Postby JT Carrey » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:05 pm

I work for Booked Talent...I pay them 60 a month and so far they've been very good, I work 5 days a week doing extra work which is rare, but they're a small company so they can book people more... it's not all that bad though.... I've been on many sets where they treat us nicely... however I think the reason some sets do treat extras poorly is because most extras are very unprofessional and alot of people that do extra work do it because they're too stupid to get any other job, there are so many people in their 40's who are so uneducated and making minimum wage and talking about how poor they are and they smell and they always look like crap, so yea, I'd yell at those people, but I'm young I guess.. I know I won't be doing this work when I'm even 30, I'm hoping that I can start getting real work soon by the time I'm 25 (in February) so that I can ditch this "career" all together, alot of people that do extra work are negative too and they never shower...did I mention they smell?? LOL but there are good sides to it, you can meet people you admire (for me..Jim Carrey, Tom Shadyac, Brian Grazer) and you can make friends with some of the cast and crew, like me and Tom, it's just trying to show that you are different from the other people is sometimes hard but it can be shown... one good thing I got from doing extra work though is being eligible to join the Screen Actors Guild but I won't join yet until I'm ready... well they want me to join by November 12th but I don't have 1500 bucks haha blah so yea... anyway, I dunno what else to say, I could easily work in an office and be "well off" but I like being around cameras and crew people and real actors (not extras) so that's why I do it... plus who wouldn't want to work on a Jim film? ;)
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby fluffy » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:17 pm

they smell :shock:??????? ..............geez it sounds as though if you are literate, articulate, well turned out and polite you'll be in the minority and are bound to do well and stand out...... :roll: ..

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby JT Carrey » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:24 pm

I seem to stand out alot... but yes, alot of extras smell, they smell like old food that's been rotting under their arm pits for 3 days... alot of them don't shower and wear dirty torn up clothes, it's really sad... so this is basically how ALL extras are viewed... but sometimes you can stand out... I usually stay to myself on set tho, omg and there's this one girl who is so drugged up all the time, she looks like a former prostitute lol but all she does is slur and talk about drugs and drinking, it's really sad... I avoid her alot! When I first started extra work I thought it would be alot different than it is... that's one reason I hate doing it, it's such a degrading job but whatever, I don't do it constantly, I do other work in between just to maintain my sanity but when you talk to people who have been doing it for 10 years +, it's kinda sad...they think they're going to be famous or discovered, well extra work isn't the way into fame babe lol
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby fluffy » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:50 pm

lol.......awe i'm sorry to hear that.....i just thought it would be a fun thing to do a few times.....i aim to pack in as many different jobs/carreers as possible......just cause i can, for the challenges i guess :wink:

fluffy :lol:
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Postby JT Carrey » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:39 pm

it is fun but it's not super exciting, kind of like acting without words, you can't express yourself as much..
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Isn't there a song called "Express yourself"

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:49 pm

Cotton? is there?

I guess one has to hob nob with the riff raff in order to get the rough cash,
but it sounds like an extra does alot of mish mash among the riff raff even if your sniff snaff gets a bit bashed.

JC, have you ever smelled fresh country air when the barn doors are
open. I know a new name for you JC.

JETectra Extra, how's that one???
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Postby babygirl_lace » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:29 pm

Everyone has some complaints about their job...and everyone veiws things differently. Maybe if we were doing the Extra work too we would see it that way...until then I am going to envy you JT lol

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Postby JT Carrey » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:58 am

hehe :P
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby fluffy » Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:54 pm

lol.........i still think i'm VERY lucky though.......teaching is an awesome job.......especially at this time of the year......it's a priveledge to work with them, the make me smile :D

fluffy :lol:
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Postby babygirl_lace » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:38 pm

I love my job most days...the kids do make me smile but I am looking for something else...I need out. Kind of hard to do in North Dakota

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Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:52 pm

awe, RU fed up with teaching??...........

fluffy :wink:
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Postby babygirl_lace » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:01 pm

I am...and its not really teaching like a school...i work in a daycare with two year olds...so you hear a lot of no and you have to be very repetitive... I love kids, I like my job, I just would like to do something else.

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Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:02 pm

ahhh....wait until xmas time when you see their little faces.........that makes it all worthwhile........... :wink:

fluffy :lol:
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