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“What a lucky thing in my life” – Extra Interview
15 Dec 2024    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

The countdown for the premiere of "Sonic the Hedgehog 3", is still ongoing. Five days left!
Christmas is definitely coming sooner this year! And we are very happy!

Recently in an interview for ExtraTV, Jim was asked a few questions in a lovely conversation. He talked about the physical comedy he does, especially in this movie:

“I make these things up in a room with writers and stuff and you're sitting there it's all an intellectual idea then you get on the set and you go like “what the hell have I done to myself?” I got a 50 pounds suit on I'm being a scorpion and a praying mantis for four days you know it's it's quite something… but I feel blessed to be able to do it and first of all I think physical comedy you know you want to do it all you want to have good lines you want to do physical comedy but the physical comedy translates to everybody it's like there's no language, it's Universal.”

He also talks about the shaving of head by collegue Lee Majdoub:

“Well Lee Majdoub shaved my head yeah so that was an opportunity. I was growing my hair out I was part of a biker gang and I had a fantastic Acid Rock cover band that I was working but no I got to that point where I went like well I guess I need to shave the head off for the thing and I'm went “well what if we use this? What if Robotnik actually has a full head of hair and he's just lets it grow in this healing moment you know it's not because of male pattern baldness shaved his head you know and as soon as Lee found out that he could actually shave my head on camera he was pretty excited.”

He also asked if he like to revisit character or not:

“Well both you know I've never been a a big sequel guy so I was never especially but I always wanted to kind of explore new stuff if I had done you know four sequels of Ace Ventura I wouldn't have done The Truman Show. So there wouldn't have been those opportunities necessarily so I always like to do new things but this one in particular… I was at a time in my life where I thought you know what? I'd like to do a role that recurs and and hopefully it evolves and it doesn't stay the same and Robotnik is changing in every movie, he's changing. He's getting more and more bitter and vengeful and hostile. His megalomania is completely ratcheting up in every film and  the Creations that he comes up with are like commensurate with his level of angst, they're becoming these wondrous technological Marbles.Where does he get the funding? I don't know maybe crypto? Bitter coin?”

And finally about the longevity of the movie “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”, that he starred in 2000, and how is has become a must see at this time of year:

“Yeah what a lucky thing in my life. I'll tell you it really makes me feel good. For me growing up there were movies like “It's a Wonderful Life” and things like that and of course I I watched the Grinch cartoon when I was growing up and these are staples every year. That's just Christmas. How it happened? My gosh I don't know but I'm so gratified by the idea that that's one of the U logs people go to you know and so when it when it pops up every year. I'm really happy about it. It's lovely thing.

Check out the video:


What a lovely conversation!

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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