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Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Thu May 03, 2012 1:33 am

lol......you never know, he might do it, be critically acclaimed and finally win his long over-due Oscar..... :D :D :D
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri May 04, 2012 7:15 pm

Yupper, ya never know
It could happen
a friend of mine said

"if you can dream it, you can do it"

only problem is, I've dreamed of flying
but I don't think it'll happen until I cross over to
the other side, not quite ready for that, yet.
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby grinchy steve » Sun May 06, 2012 4:17 pm

fluffy wrote:The only thing about Damn Yankees is it's based around Baseball which is a sport pretty much limited to the USA and Canada......half the planet has no interest in the sport whatsoever .......add to that it's a musical and the audience demographic is reducing dramatically........straight blokes won't go to see it, and it's not camp enough or glam enough for females or teens..........So who are they aiming it at???........ :shock:
there's not been a big musical hit since Mama Mia, Moulin Rouge and Chicago......and they were hit's because they were camp/or glam and appealed to females...............
Sorry Jim but my advice would be to shelve this one......you'll get another chance to show off your vocal chords......... :wink:

I have different thoughts on that one. If there's a movie that's happening in the world of a certain sport, it doesn't necessarily means they are aiming for a sport-loving audiance. Not being a sports fan at all, I can think of many titles I wanted and still want to see and where the fact that it's about a sport is not the main reason of the movie's existence, on the contrary. The most recent example is 'Moneyball' (2011). I have sport-people in my group of friends, but I can't imagine one of them would go to the theatres and actually see that one. When a movie has quality names (Bennett Miller, Pitt, Seymour Hoffman) like this, you know it's more about the performances, the characters, the dialogues and the (in this case more financial managment-esque) story.

When George Clooney makes 'Leatherheads', a screwball comedy (not populair at all) about baseball in the 1920's (bye bye sportloving audiance), you know they are not aiming at them. Question is ... are they aiming at someone specific? I'm sure they don't. When greenlighting a project like this, you know it's not about the box office, it's about so much more.

Okay, I agree. There aren't that many musicals these days. But the ones out there that matter, do have a very interesting cast. And perhaps the most important fact is that almost every single one of them was doing good in every possible way. Just take a look at the Golden Globe nominations and wins, for example. Not kidding, every single one of them. And again, women and gay men (I know that's not what you said exactly) wouldn't be the audiance they are aiming for ... But every movie-loving person out there that's up for something you don't see every week. I know a lot of my straight male friends that would see it, just because of the talent.

What do they offer? An interesting cast in a original concept (these days). That's always doing good in general. And I'm not talking moneywise, although it would be nice. I'm talking about all other levels. I think that's much more important.

Most of the titles that are mentioned in the end of the year lists, awards worldwide and critics worldwide ... are the ones that are hard to sell. I think this is something Jim should do with Gyllenhaal, no doubt. It's such a unique chance to do a thing like this as an actor.

Now, the only thing I do have doubts about, is the director involved. That's not a unique talent or someone that has done interesting things ... This project requires a strong vision.
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Sun May 13, 2012 10:51 pm

lol............i guess we'll have to wait and see what happens........interestingly Moneyball nor Leatherheads did well in Britain but Mama Mia was HUGE.......... :D
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:57 pm

Rock of Ages has bombed i see..........basically it backs up my argument that musicals are NOT going to do well unless aimed at the teenies......Whilst i LOVE Jim's singing voice i don't want him to have a bad experience with a musical flop, he deserves better. :D
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby grinchy steve » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:22 pm

Acutally, this one movie doesn't back up your argument. The whole vibe was missing already in the trailers, there was no positive word on them. All the reviews I saw so far (European) were bad and it's missing the curious-making names. I mean, there's Tom Cruise and ... who ? This has nothing to do with the fact it's a musical not aimed at teenagers (neither was Mama Mia), it has to do with everything else and more. This is just not working ...
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:39 am

But It had big stars in it......Alec Baldwin and Juliana Hough plus Russell Brand.......but we are actually agreeing on this one, the film bombed because it's not a teen flick and i reckon they predicted it would fail, so decided not to waste mega $ on promotion........ To be honest i don't think Tom Cruise was right for it, he can sing and he put his heart into the role but he lacked the humour and lightness of spirit, he was far too serious for it and the script was bloomin awful. :lol:
But I'd argue that Mama Mia was aimed at a female age cross section, with the main character being a young woman....Straight blokes don't go to musicals of their own volition unless with a female so that wipes out a huge target audience before they start........
Blokes might go though if someone makes 'Pearl Jammin' & 'Radioheadcase' the musicals..... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby grinchy steve » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:13 am

It has OK-stars in it, not the curious-making kind. Overhere (for example) Russel Brand is a nobody ... he's not popular and most people don't know who the guy is. They didn't use Tom Cruise as much as they should in any sort of advertising. Everything else I explained in a previous post. Let's say I don't agree at all with the vision you have about musicals. ;)
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:52 pm

lol......that's cool, we'll agree to disagree..... :D ...i DO love some older musicals though....Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar are fabulous.....and if they re-make the latter, Jim would make an incredible Jesus...... :wink: :D
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:35 pm

If he did Jesus, he'd have to act the part
I wonder if he'd quit smoking for the part
I wonder
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:57 pm

lol.........well he IS a method actor so you never know........lol....
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:32 pm

Being Jesus is a very hard act to follow

I was thinking about how Jesus must have been
really beat up by the end of his ordeal if even
Mary didn't recognize him when he was resurrected

He may have had several teeth missing due to his
being so beaten from the guards, he must have
looked so unrecognizable in the end.

The amazing part about the Saviour is that he
was so focused on doing his Father's will and
humble at the same time,so mind boggling and amazing
I do "Stand All Amazed" I cry when I hear or sing this
song every time.
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:11 pm

It's a fabulous musical and Sir Andrew Loyd Webber is resurrecting it as i type. He's doing a show on UK TV called Superstar to bring it back to the West end.....they're looking for a new Jesus......so if it's a successful run (which it will be) he'll take it to Broadway and the next step will be a film re-make........watch this space..... :D
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:55 pm

I'm watching, I'm watchin :D :shock:
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Re: Damn Yankees update: Todd Graff to direct

Postby fluffy » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:25 pm

:lol: :lol:
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